Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Researching Home Insulation

It is now getting cold here in Vegas. By cold I mean high of 50 and low of 31. Sure sure, I've lived on the east coast and know that's not bad, but I've been living in Vegas for about 13 years now. I'm used to the 100 + weather because my Jeep doesn't have A/C. Conversely, my cold tolerance has gone down dramatically. I go for a jacket when it gets around 70 F.

Back on the farm, I noticed my new home was a lot colder than the condo we were living in before. The home was built in 1979 so there is no telling what the R ratings are on the insulation in the exterior walls and attic. I guess its back to research and figure out a plan of attack to see what I can do.

Some of the sites I'm checking out are:

Monday, November 27, 2006

2nd Floor Texture Is Done

Its been a little bit of time since I've written. This is because of the holiday, frantically trying to finish packing for our move across town, moving and getting the rest of the ceiling texture taken down. It took about about 20 hours to scrape and spray texture for about 1k square feet of ceiling. I still need to paint it. It'll probably take the same amount of time to paint it. Here's the breakdown of things done and things learned for those who don't care about the exposition of my pain.
  • It took about 12 hours to prep everything. Even spending that amount of time sealing up the rooms and hallway, there was some cleaning with a shop and regular vacuum.
  • Scraping the texture wasn't too bad. I made the mistake of not getting the ceiling wet enough. Yeah I know, I said to make sure you get the ceiling was wet enough. I stopped trying to use the bag attachment after the test room. You'd be surprised at what 5 - 10 extra pounds will do to you after 10 minutes.
  • Using a corded drill with the paint stirrer sped up the joint compound mixing. Be mindful of your paint mixer if its plastic. Mine came right off the metal rod once.
  • The mixture and settings for the compound and hopper were pancake batter thick compound, medium spray nozzle and right around 25psi coming out of the air compressor.
  • I found it best to mix up about two hoppers worth of joint compound at a time. For me this was about a third of the box because I was going for a thick pancake batter consistency.
  • When spraying I was too timid when applying texture the first time around I think. I made sure to spray in overlapping strokes this time. It kept me from having to go back and touch up spots.
  • Light, light and more light.
  • Last thing. Invest in a good respirator instead of those paper masks. I did and I wasn't coughing up particulates that evening.
Here is my tale of woe. I decided, like a freak I would get this knocked out in no more than two days. Wednesday and if necessary Friday. I mean really I had done some prep work ahead of time by taping off the sections of wall where the ceiling I was going to scrape met the walls. I had it in my mind I could do it in a day. Right....

Started Wednesday about 9am, consolidated everything upstairs in the bathroom that would not need any work done in it. BTW I'm going to redo that bathroom probably next year. I though cool, all I have to do now is tape up the light fixtures and ceiling lamp then get started on the plastic. Well, I didn't realize there were so many recessed light fixtures in the master. While taping the lights I saw that the vanity area in the master bath needed to be totally prepped too. That added another half hour onto prep. Got done around 12 with all the lights, ceiling fans and moving all the furniture out of the areas.

My wife came with some food about this time. Ate. Got back to work putting up the plastic. It was about 2pm by the time the plastic was up. Got my trusty sprayer and started to soak sections at a time of the master first. Scraping was slow going. I could scrape for about 10 minutes and have to stop to rest for a minute or two. As I finished a room I would spackle the ceiling for a better base to spray on. Because they used the popcorn to hide the imperfections in the ceiling it took me till 6pm to finish that.

Let the spraying begin. I was already tired from scraping and the other stuff done previously. I know, cry some more wussy. My plan at that point was to get the master, vanity area attached to the master and hallway done. Damn that master was huge! To get those sections done I was spraying texture till 9:30pm. I could do no more. So I spent half an hour doing clean-up. Went back to our condo, because at that time we weren't living at the house yet. Funny thing though, I was wearing my new respirator when scraping and spraying. When I got home and looked in the mirror, my entire head was ghost white except for the area where the respirator was.

Took Thanksgiving off.

Started up around 12pm on Friday. I still had two other rooms to do and decided to respray the test room to make sure it was good. That was business as usual until my 8 year old cordless drill gave out on me. Luckily there is an Ace hardware store down the street. Went there instead of the Depot or Lowes because it was Black Friday. Didn't want to spend the money on a cordless so I picked up a Makita 3/8" cored drill. I was amazed at how underpowered my cordless was compare to the Makita. By the way, unlike me you might want to remember that you can take the plastic head off a plastic paint mixer with a good drill. With a little coaxing with a hammer it went back on. This was of course after I had to dig it out of the joint compound. After that I was able spray the rest.

Friday turned out to be fairly straight forward. So in retrospect of writing this I guess it wasn't that bad. Still need to prime and paint everything. Then the downstairs has two rooms that need popcorn removal. Oh, the real kicker will be the 25' ceiling. That will have to wait though.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Test Room Done

I applied ceiling texture in the test room this last weekend. I hung plastic, sprayed the ceiling with water and scraped the old popcorn off. I work in a shop that does GIS so I had access to 42" and 60" wide maps that would have gone to the trash. Those went on my shed and were used to practice spraying the texture with the hopper. After practicing, texture was applied. I did the clean up. I took some time off around the Thanksgiving holiday to do projects and move into the house. So, I'm going to attempt to get the second floor done on Friday. That's about 1k sq. ft. minus the test room. Should be fun.

Here is what I learned from my test room.
  • I made the mistake of putting up the 1 mil plastic first then trying to put masking tape on. Next time I'll mask off where the walls meet any popcorn texture using 1 1/2" masking tape, not the painter's tape (blue one). If I use the painter's tape I'm afraid the adhesive will not be strong enough to last getting soaked with the water. That'll allow me to staple up the plastic and not worry about over spray on the walls.
  • When setting up the plastic I put it on the floors first, but I think I'll staple up the walls first on Friday.
  • Use plenty of water. I was using one of those pressurized water sprayers, the kind you can use for things like pesticide and such. This worked fine while I was working in small areas. I'd spray once, wait a couple of minutes and end up spraying right before scraping. I've heard of people bringing in the hose to spray. In hindsight it might have saved me some time. I don't have a hose(s) right now that would reach so I used what I had.
  • Make sure you have some other light source besides the one in the room. I didn't. Because of stupid daylight savings and the days being shorter I started to run out of natural light from the window. I'm going to pick up one of those halogen work lights.
  • I was using a paint mixer that went on my drill. I can see where it would be a problem if I tried to mix a whole box of joint compound at once. When I do the rest of the upstairs I'll try to limit it to half a box at a time.
  • For spray material I just used the topping joint compound, the one in the green box.
  • I wanted a light to medium texture so the instructions with my hopper recommended the medium nozzle with the joint compound mixed so it was like thick paint.
  • I only had a paper mask, but when I started scraping the popcorn texture the particulates in the air started to increase a lot even with it being wet. I will definitely invest in better breathing apparatus.
That's all I can remember for now.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Bought Ceiling Texture Supplies and Carpet

After work last night my wife and I went to Home Depot to set up carpet measuring for the second floor. While we were there I thought that we might as well pick up what I needed for the ceiling texture since my attempt at using the paint / texture mixture failed. I really don't understand why I don't go to a different store sometimes. Sorry, I realize that was hopping around a bit, but for some reason it took a good 40 - 45 minutes to set it up for someone to come out to my house to measure the areas for the new carpet.

We ended finding a good deal there for the carpet. We're going to pay a little over $23 per square yard for some pretty plush carpet. This was our second carpet trip to the Depot. The first one we talked to a pretty knowledgeable sales person named Christina. She was the one who showed us the smaller display with carpet samples we could check out and take home. We ended up with a color called Root Beer. I know the name is kinda weak. One of the main determining factors for the color choice was the color of our dog's fur.

After waiting to get the carpet measurement set up, we picked up the stuff for the texture ceiling. This is the stuff I grabbed;
  • 12 ft x 400 ft of 1 mil plastic - $42
  • hopper and sprayer with 3 nozzles - $64
  • box of joint compound - $7
So if you count the ceiling texture / paint I used before the total comes to $131 so far.

The junk about my home improvement ends here. The rest is me ranting about retail and software development. First off, I used to work a retail job and did so for a pretty good chunk of time, like 7 years. Now I work for something like a utility company doing computer related stuff. The person who setup our order had done so only once before. Half the problem seemed to be the fact he was new, which can be expected this close to the holiday. The other half of the problem seemed to be the unnecessarily long and repetitive process he had to go through.

Part of my job is watching how people work, and trying to improve the ease at which they do their job. So when this person started to help us, I couldn't help but observe the amount of extra work he needed to do interfacing with what looked like an AS/400 terminal on their windows machine. They upgraded the hardware, but didn't spend the time to increase productivity and sales by creating a more streamlined process. In fact there was another person sitting near us that was waiting for 15 minutes for the same thing we were having done. Another idea would be to train holiday staff using the same program in a training mode so none of the transactions were real, but the could get the experience working with the older system.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Failed First Attempt At Ceiling Texture

In my house I unfortunately have popcorn ceilings. Out of everything in the house that is what I notice the most. I was able to successfully scrape test areas without a problem using the Homax ceiling texture scraper. This was purchased at my local Home Depot in the painting section. It only took half an hour for about a 10 x 10 section of ceiling with only 20% of the texture not making it into the trash bag attached to the scraper.

So I'm wandering down that same isle I got the scraper in and I see some premixed ceiling paint and texture by Behr. And of course immediately I envision myself not having to buy a hopper and sprayer, spending the time to find the right consistency of mud and not having to practice for half a day to get the right texture I want. Grabbing a 2 gallon plastic container I head to the paint counter, have them shake it up and confirm with the paint person I should use the largest nap roller to apply the texture paint. Oh, I was all to happy to pay the $18

I took a few minutes on my lunch break yesterday to visit the Behr site to check out the recommended application. They mentioned applying the texture paint with a loop roller and then using a smaller nap roller to set the texture height. That night I laid plastic in a hallway closet that I had previously taken down the popcorn ceiling along with some other prep work like taping things up. After opening the container I was glad I had them shake the stuff. There is no way I could have gotten the sand as evenly distributed in the paint. When I started to roll the texture on I immediately noticed that it wasn't going on consistently. I'm not sure if it was the amount I loaded onto the roller or what. It took me about half an hour to apply the texture as evenly as possible to a 4' by 4' section of the closet ceiling. I had to do some major touch-up to some areas. When I went over a previously textured area it would yank clumps off the ceiling. There was no way I was doing more than that section of ceiling with this stuff.

Needless to say I'm buying a hopper and sprayer this weekend. I was thinking later that this stuff might be OK if I wanted to trowel it on. As far a creating either a knockdown or orange peel ceiling texture this wasn't going to work. Granted I didn't have the recommended loop roller, but at the rate the texture was making my thick nap roller one big solid piece of sand I don't think it would matter.